World Regional Geography Online


After making these 10 different region overviews, I have learned a ton about the different regions of the world. Geography has never been a strong subject for me. I have never traveled out of the states, yet alone to any other state besides Wisconsin. I was very unfamiliar with the rest of the world. It is amazing to examine other countries/regions to see how they live. It seems like each region has something uniquely different that the rest of the world. People live in different kinds of housing, eat different meals, have different health care, use different kinds of transportation, and basically have different ways of life. I think this region overview was a great idea to get a feel for how people in different areas of the world live. I also think this will help me out in my nursing career knowing that people around the world have different beliefs. An immigrant from another country may come in for health care and have extremely different beliefs than the western medicine.

I really didn’t learn a whole lot about North America as I have lived here my whole life. I thought it was interesting that Canada is known for their great productivity; however, the U.S. has a ten times greater economy than Canada. I also learned that health care coverage is totally different between the U.S. and Canada. 100% of Canada’s people are covered by the health care system. Think about the United States right now and how many people are not going into the clinic until they are deathly ill because of the high costs of medical care when you do not have insurance. Health insurance is very expensive here in the United States. On a personal note, my family would not have health insurance if it wasn’t for my dad being employed with his company for 40 plus years. When he had to take an early retirement, he was in the “top 30 oldest workers” and could keep the “cheap insurance.” If he wasn’t in the top 30, our health insurance would cost more than his whole pension.

It was interesting to learn about the different temperature-altitude zones found in Middle and South America. Basically, the higher you go, the colder it gets. The lower you go, the warmer it is. For example, in the lowlands, it is generally warmer than elevations of 12,000 feet. It was also interesting to learn about how the El Nino has an effect on the climate every few years. I also thought it was interesting that tropic storms are formed yearly in the Atlantic Ocean near Africa. If the winds reach over 75 MPH, they are considered hurricanes (I did not know that!). I learned that people in Middle and South America generally have family roles of the extended family. This means that several generations live together including the adult’s siblings and their significant others, their children, and also the adult’s parents.

28 In Europe, I was amazed that the Pyrenees Mountains are a natural border between Spain and France. Also, the Carpathian Mountains form a natural border between Slovakia and southern Poland. When I think of borders, I always think of the lines on the maps. I learned that a quarter of the world’s carbon monoxide is produced in this region due to the excessive fossil fuel burning. I also learned that acid rain develops from fossil fuel burning. I always thought of the Mediterranean Sea as a fresh, blue sea. However, come to find out, it is a much polluted sea. There are actually wastes floating on top of the sea from erosion sediments, sewage, industrial waste, agricultural chemicals, nuclear contaminates, and oil spills. It is too bad that few fish can be caught in the sea since it is so unfavorable to the natural wildlife. The role of gender was interesting to me. Public opinion still believes that women aren’t as capable of performing the work that is usually done by men. This is much different than in the United States. In Europe, the men do the masculine work and women do the household chores. I was also astonished at their health care system. Unlike the United States, their health care system provides to all people living in Europe, unlike the 47 million people in the U.S. that lack healthcare. It is also of higher quality at a lower cost.  

I never thought of Russia as having a harsh climate. I always thought they had a warm, dry climate. Well, I was wrong. The climate zones consist of long, cold winters with little daylight and short summers with cool to hot temperatures. It was interesting to learn about “continental breathing.” Summers are breathed in (inhaled) and winters are breathed out (exhaled); summer winds blow from the ocean to land and winter winds blow the opposite way. I learned that this region has significant amounts of natural resources. Russia has the world’s largest natural gas reserve and major oil deposits. I also thought it was amazing that they are the world’s third-largest hydropower producer. Because of the abundance of both oil and natural gas, they are self sufficient in energy; they export large amounts of fuels instead of relying on imports like other regions. I also thought it was astonishing that all but 10% of suitable women were full time workers by the 1970’s and were the highest paid female workers in the world. In other countries and regions, women make much less than men.

I learned that North Africa and Southwest Asia is known for some of the world’s largest oil and natural gas reserves. I did not know that the reserves were located around the Persian Gulf. It was interesting to learn about the cartel called OPEC or the Organization of Petroleum exporting Countries. This cartel restricts the production of oil and raises the prices. The wealth from this benefited the roads, airports, agriculture irrigation, among many other things. It is sad that much less money was invested in education, social services, and health care. This region is also one of the wealthiest mineral places on earth. Water is a valuable resource; however, some areas of the region have a very limited availability because of the arid climate. It is sad to think that they had to come up with ways to limit the use of water, such as cleaning themselves in public baths.  It was interesting to learn about women in Saudi Arabia. They are only supposed to be out in public for important business. If they are out, they should be with a male relative. It was interesting also that rural women in Egypt perform duties outside of the home such as agriculture, water carrying, and gathering firewood. This is different from many other regions as this is usually the male’s role.

Gold is one of the largest natural resources in Sub-Saharan Africa; it is a leading gold mining nation in the world. It was interesting to learn that oil is Nigeria’s primary resource and 90% of their foreign trade earnings come from the sale of oil. It was really interesting that they could be Africa’s richest country, but the resource has been mismanaged. It was sad to see that the forests in Africa are disappearing. Over 60% of the original rainforests had disappeared by the year 2000. Like some countries in North Africa and Southwest Asia, women carry 90% of the water and 80% of the firewood. They also are responsible for domestic duties such as raising children, caring for the sick and/or elderly, and doing household chores to maintain the house. It was sad, but interesting at the same time to learn about female circumcision in this region. This practice, used in about 27 countries, ensures that women are virgins at the time of marriage and eliminates the possibility of sexual stimulation for the women. An interesting statistic is that women who have/had undergone a female circumcision are 50% more likely to die during childbirth, along with a high risk of their babies dying.

In South Asia, I learned about how wind patterns affect the climate. These dominant wind patterns are called monsoons. Cool, dry air moves from the center of the continent towards the Indian Ocean in the winter months. Warm, wet air travels from the Indian Ocean to the continent and brings large amounts of rainfall in the summer months. It was also interesting to learn how the intertropical convergence zone also causes the large amounts of rainfall. With the intertropical convergence zone, air from the north and south meet, rises and cools, and then produces precipitation.  It was interesting to learn that this region has over 20% of the world’s population but only has 4% of its fresh water. Because of this, the use of water in the region is a problem.  I thought it was crazy that the water purity of the Ganga River is poor due to the Hindus having their ashes spread over the river. Also, because of the scarcity of firewood for the cremation fires, bodies are not being fully cremated so full body parts are being thrown into the river as well. I thought it was interesting that women who live in urban areas have more individual freedom than rural women.  It was interesting to me that agriculture only contributes/accounts for less than a quarter of the region’s GDP while 60% of the population is involved in agricultural labor.

90 I learned that East Asia had two totally opposite climate zones. There is the dry interior west found in the interior East Asian landmass that experience very cold winters and intense summer heat. The other climate zone is the wet east, or monsoon climate, found in the east. It was interesting to learn that China has one of the largest and richest mineral stocks of any country. China also has one of the world’s largest coal reserves with an estimated 600+ billion tons. They also rank as one of the ten world’s largest oil producing countries. They have the capacity to produce more than 1 billion barrels per year. East Asia’s environmental problems result either from their high population density and rapid economic development or from poor resource management and planning. It was interesting to learn that China has some of the planet’s most severe environmental problems, especially air pollution.

I thought it was interesting that more than a half a billion people live on South Asia’s islands and peninsulas. Two times more people live on has as much land compared to the United States! I thought it was interesting that women work in the home, in the formal economy, and/or in traditional agriculture but earn only a half of what men do on average. I thought it was also interesting that more women are completing extra training after secondary school than men. Also, it was crazy to think that it is common for newly married couples to live with the woman’s parents. In the U.S., married couples usually move out on their own after marriage.

I found the roaring forties in Oceania to be interesting. This mass of moisture is seen as a long, white cloud by travelers. It is powerful air and ocean currents that speed around the far Southern Hemisphere virtually unimpeded by landmasses. It was interesting that he El Nino phenomenon happening every 2-7 years affects this region also. I thought the Great Barrier Reef located on the northeastern coast of Austria to be interesting. It is made of 2,800 individual coral reefs and different coral cays and is the world’s longest and largest deposit of coral reef. I also thought it was interesting that the cuisines in the region include a lot of fresh ingredients, including fresh seafood.